Renowned musician and artist Ikarus (Wolfgang Stindl) embarked on his eponymous music venture in 1995. With a solid background in music studies and initial ventures into performing and producing, Ikarus began to create a unique sound palette. His inspiration was drawn from extensive travels and a deep appreciation for ethnic music. This led him to meld Electronic Chill Out tracks with a kaleidoscope of sounds and vocals from around the globe.

In 1999, with the support of, Ikarus expanded his reach to a global audience. This platform enabled collaborations with international musicians, and facilitated the worldwide sale of his CDs. Fueled by positive reception and high chart positions on, Ikarus launched his official debut album “Touch the Sun” on Sonic Images Records/Earthtone Records in January 2001. The album’s release came about after he was noticed by the A&R manager of Sonic Images Records on

The debut album’s success led to three subsequent album releases: “Praying to Different Gods” (2002), “The Angkor Sessions” (2003), and “Breathing Cultures” (2004).

As his musical journey evolved, Ikarus’ work began to be featured in a variety of mediums. His music can be heard in compilations, films, TV series, and video games. Notably, his work is part of the soundtrack for the Warner Bros. documentary “The Matrix-Revisited“, starring Keanu Reeves, and the acclaimed US/Indian film “Flavors“.

Ikarus’ talent has also been showcased through remixes of significant tracks like 1 Giant Leap’s “My Culture” (featuring Robbie Williams & Maxi Jazz), Madonna’s “Ray of Light”, and Peter Gabriel’s “Shock the Monkey“.

His songs have been highlighted by platforms such as MTV-Undiscovered, Yahoo,, and

In addition to his remarkable music career, Ikarus extends his creativity into sound design. He has developed sounds for a range of synthesizers and projects, including the ESC DEEP FOREST sound library for Spectrasonics Omnisphere, among others.

In 2012, Ikarus took over the Marienapotheke, a pharmacy in Perchtoldsdorf, and dedicated himself to the production of herbal remedies ranging from Traditional European medicine, Ayurveda to Traditional chinese medicine.